Become a Design Thinker

Become a Pathfinder: Don’t Let the Stepping Stones Become Your Obstacles

Dr. Wallace Season 1 Episode 14

"But why does this happen to me? This is not my plan. I am not going in this direction."

We all have a goal. At least, in the past, I believe. Sometimes, we may have tried something. But the outcome is not something that we anticipate, we desire, and we expect. We may quit. We may sit still. We run away, or, we go back to our comfort zone. 

What’s the problem behind it?
In this episode, we will discuss how design thinker achieve their goals when the outcome is not according to our plan. 

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Become a Design Thinker podcast serves individuals who believe in their ability to create positive change and refuse to be put in passive or vulnerable positions when it comes to shaping their future.

Design thinking empowers you to approach problems from a fresh perspective. By adopting this designer’s mindset, you can develop innovative solutions that drive meaningful impact. Our goal is to integrate design thinking with various management concepts, making it applicable to your daily work and life.

Become the designer of your work, your family, and your life. You have the power to design a future that is better than today!!

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