Become a Design Thinker

Become Who You Are: The Journey to Discover Who You Are to Become Who You Want to be

Dr. Wallace Season 1 Episode 8

 “Some people never become who they are; they stop trusting in themselves; they conform to the tastes of others, and they end up wearing a mask that hides their true nature.”

― Robert Greene 

Becoming great means finding the seed of greatness in your heart and making it grow. Everyone is gifted, but gifted differently. 

Ancient Greek poet Pindar mentioned, “Become who you are by learning who you are.” Becoming who you are is an action to pursue something that you are good at and turn it into a great thing. But the first step is about “learning who you are”

In this episode, we ask two important questions:

1.       Why does “becoming who you are” is important to you?

2.       How can you “learn who you are” by design thinking?

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Become a Design Thinker podcast serves individuals who believe in their ability to create positive change and refuse to be put in passive or vulnerable positions when it comes to shaping their future.

Design thinking empowers you to approach problems from a fresh perspective. By adopting this designer’s mindset, you can develop innovative solutions that drive meaningful impact. Our goal is to integrate design thinking with various management concepts, making it applicable to your daily work and life.

Become the designer of your work, your family, and your life. You have the power to design a future that is better than today!!

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